the ultimate tour experience

Contact Us

    Book yourself a memorable Tour Adventure

    Join us for an Australia Zoo adventure

    Croc Tours is a locally owned and operated business – specialising in small groups

    Travel in style and comfort in our luxury air-conditioned vehicle

    We are dedicated in providing a comfortable, safe, friendly and 5 star service to Australia Zoo – avoid coach tours and travel in style and luxury with Croc Tours

    Less people, less transit time, no rushing, experience more with Croc Tours who offer the ultimate Australia Zoo Experience like no other!

    You’re Day Tour involves a Guaranteed 6 hours at Australia Zoo.

    Crikey! What are you waiting for? Book Now!

    If you would like assistance planning an adventure with us…

    Brisbane | Sunshine Coast 0498761184

    Flight Attendants, Australian Military & Veterans –  contact us for special rates


    the ultimate tour experience

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